Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Cooperate to Dominate - Class Notes Online

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Don’t’ go the Photocopier. Don’t loiter around girls’ hostel (at least for notes). All that has come to change.

Saving you time, effort and paisa! Here is something which everyone searches for but rarely gets on the internet (unlike certain other stuff). Point Noted

Yes, class notes for you, class notes for us. And if you have been reading us for a while, you know the line. Sharing is caring J So contribute and enjoy the fruit.

Law of Torts, Contract, Jurisprudence, and even Constitutional Law! Starting out small, to help the junta to clear their exams. Point Noted is here.

Point Noted in short is our series of digitized (yes, typed not handwritten) comprehensive notes. Currently we have notes on:-

  • Jurisprudence
  • Constitution
  • Law of Torts
  • Contracts
Grab them for free from here.

PS - Save paper and do not print these notes.